
La Sagrada Familia

Written by Bcn House School | May 31, 2024 8:31:43 AM



Have you heard of La Sagrada Familia?

Hello, Spanish lovers and adventurers of the world! Are you ready to dive into one of Barcelona's most impressive architectural treasures? 



                                                            Where is it and who designed it?

If you're in Barcelona, you can't miss this marvel designed by the architectural genius Antoni Gaudí. This constantly under construction masterpiece is like a kind of ``never-ending story‘’ that began in 1882 and, although still unfinished, continues to amaze millions of visitors every year. 




Why visit it?

Well, how about starting with the fact that it's a unique building in the world? It's as if Gaudí had taken a bunch of fairy tales, mixed them with a touch of surrealism and turned them into a stone reality.

The Sagrada Família is not just a temple, it is a living work of art that tells a story through every architectural detail. Don't you find it exciting? ...but wait, there's more!

When you enter, you feel as if you are inside an enchanted forest. The pillars rise like giant trees and the stained glass windows fill the space with a rainbow of colours that dance in the sunlight. No matter if you are religious or not, the Sagrada Família makes you feel something special inside. It is as if it catches you in its magic and takes you to a different world.

But... Let's get one thing straight!

Don't wait for it to be finished! The Sagrada Família is like fine wine, it gets better with time. So, if you see cranes and scaffolding everywhere, don't worry! It's all part of the charm and excitement of witnessing creation in action.


Curiosities about the Sagrada Família:

Gaudí, the Visionary Genius: The genius behind this marvel is Antoni Gaudí, an architect who had an imagination as wild as a lion's hair on a windy day, died before he saw his masterpiece completed. That's right! But he left enough sketches and plans for others to continue his vision.

A Museum of Symbolism: Do you like deciphering enigmas? Then the Sagrada Familia is the place for you! Every detail, from the columns to the stained glass windows, tells a story. Have you noticed the sculptures on the façade depicting the life of Jesus or the details inspired by nature?


A Refuge in War: During the Spanish Civil War, the Sagrada Familia served as a refuge for the citizens of Barcelona. Imagine being inside this monument while the rumblings of war echoed outside! It's a part of its history that often goes unnoticed.



  1. A Tribute to Nature: See those pillars rising up like giant trees? Gaudí took inspiration from nature and turned it into stone - it's like an enchanted forest inside a church!


                                                                        How to get to La Sagrada Família?


Easy, you can take the metro and get off at the ‘Sagrada Familia’ station. But don't be surprised if, when you get off the metro, you look up and boom, there she is! The Sagrada Familia welcomes you with open arms and invites you to discover all its secrets.

Here is the link to the metro: Enlace Metro Barcelona



How to visit it from the inside?

  1. Book your tickets in advance: Demand to visit La Sagrada Familia is usually high, so we recommend you book your tickets online in advance. This will ensure you will be able to book a time to visit and avoid long lines at the entrance.

  2. Choose the type of visit you want: The Sagrada Família offers different types of tickets, ranging from the basic visit to the central nave to more complete experiences that include access to the towers and audio guides. Choose the option that best suits your interests and budget.

Here is the link to the official website where you can find all the information and book your tickets: Enlace a la página de la Sagrada Familia


Tips for visiting the Sagrada Família:

  1. Arrive in plenty of time: The Sagrada Familia is a busy place, so make sure you arrive in plenty of time before your scheduled visit. This will give you time to collect your tickets, go through security and enjoy the surroundings before entering.

  2. Dress comfortably but respectfully:  While there is no strict dress code, it is important to dress comfortably but respectfully. Avoid wearing clothes that are too revealing or have inappropriate messages.
  3. Choose the right time to visit: Sagrada Familia tends to be less crowded during the early hours of the morning or just before it closes. Try to plan your visit at these times for a quieter experience.
  4. Consider hiring an audio guide: For a more enriching experience, consider hiring an audio guide to provide additional information about the history and architecture of La Sagrada Familia as you explore the interior.
  5. Respect the rules and the tranquillity of the place: The Sagrada Familia is a sacred place for many people, so remember to keep your voice down and respect the rules of the site during your visit.
  6. Enjoy the tour: Once inside, take your time to explore every corner of this magnificent building. Admire the impressive stained glass windows, marvel at the detailed sculptures and soak up the unique atmosphere of this place.

On your next visit to Barcelona, don't forget to visit La Sagrada Familia!